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corrected range中文是什么意思

用"corrected range"造句"corrected range"怎么读"corrected range" in a sentence


  • 修正后的距离
  • 修正距离


  • When the date is in the correct range : from january 1 , 1900 through june 6 , 2079
    如果日期处于正确的范围内(从1900年1月1日到2079年6月6日) ,就可以将
  • Confronted with the development of economic and our entrance of wto though analysis the environment of living and the condition of themselves , banking industry have cognizance of that customer is the basis of living , in order to upraise the standard of service , meet the changing and increased needs of customers , bank must correct range the product factor , made them work efficiently
  • To solve the overflow or underflow of the components of appearance attributes caused by watermarking , we clip the error ones to the correct ranges by adjusting the corresponding basis function elements . the normalization operation would destroy the watermark embedded in the normal vector . the author presents a novel approach by rotating the normal vector around a fixed axis , which will modify its orientation , not magnitude
用"corrected range"造句  
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